Celebrating 30 Years of Building Lafayette Coalitions and Community!


Celebrating 30 Years of Building Lafayette Coalitions and Community! 〰️

Fostering mutual respect and understanding among diverse groups.

The National Coalition Building Institute – Lafayette Chapter (NCBI) works to build environments that welcome the diversity of its community.  The ability to tap into the full potential that this diversity offers allows for the richness and variety that boosts innovation and leads to economic growth, improved access to jobs, and produces culturally vibrant and varied communities that prevent stagnation.  NCBI, an international organization, affords 33 years of experience and numerous awards in recognition of its excellent diversity training programs.  To name a few of the awards bestowed are: 

  • The Nelson Mandela Award for outstanding work on fighting racism

  • The ‘United States Department of Education’s Gender Equity Expert Panel’ cited NCBI’s work on college campuses as a national “best practice,” awarding it the rating of “excellent” regarding educational significance, quality, usefulness, and replicability

  • DuPont Corporation designated NCBI’s work as a “Corporate Best Practice.” 

We’re happy to announce that we are now an approved Small Business Employee Training (SBET) provider with the state!

Community and Organizational Empowerment Retreats

Create an environment safe enough to explore unconscious biases and develop authentic connections.

Help to develop the ability to recognize and appreciate how the best aspects of who we are can enhance leadership.

Present a better understanding of how misinformation affect our attitudes and behaviors toward other groups.

Demonstrate how myths and misinformation about our own groups can be internalized and negatively impact intrapersonal relationships.

All groups experience oppression differently and we provide the separate spaces to work through distinct encounters.

Create safe and non-judgmental space to share and hear the personal impact of specific incidents of discrimination.

Teach effective skills designed to interrupt prejudicial jokes, remarks, and slurs while keeping important relationships intact.

Teach respectful and positive techniques to address controversial issues that will provide an opportunity for individual and organizational growth.

  • Goal Setting and Affinity Mapping

  • Skill-building in handling conflict that can inform policy making.

  • Improve work processes to heighten efficiency and productivity.

  • Provide the tools to improve hiring practices that ensure highest quality applicants and employees.

Additional Offerings

“The communication tools we learned during the workshop are very easily transferable to any arena…”

Workshop participant

-Carrieanne Ledet, Teurlings Catholic High School Librarian, speaking about how she learned about NCBI and ended up attending an NCBI train-the-trainer workshop.

-Julia Williams, former Principal Lafayette High and Northside High, speaking about her experience at the NCBI workshop with Northside faculty and staff in 2022.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(337) 354-9445